Homes for Herps


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Here you can see all of our animals available for adoption.

Here you can see all of the animals we've already adopted out.

How Many of Each Type of Animal We've Adopted Out
Generic Group Name Subclass of Group Name Number Adopted Total of each Animal Type
Bigger Lizards Bearded Dragon 95 356
Anole 60
Iguana 64
Chameleon 79
Monitor Lizard 58
Tortoises Mediterranean Spur-Thighed 6 116
Leopard 100
Red-Footed 7
African Spur-Thighed 3
Turtles Red-Eared Slider 99 277
African Aquatic Sideneck 91
Painted 87
Geckos Leopard 76 222
Tokay 52
Satanic Leaf Tail 8
Crested 86
Snakes Ball Python 47 362
Reticulated Python 78
Kenyan Sand Boa 29
Vine 34
Garter 22
Corn 15
Rat 88
Milk 49
Total of All Animals: 1333