Name: 1. How many degrees is the third angle of a triangle with angle 1 being 35° and angle 2 being 54°? 87° 93° 85° 91° 2. 2 × 2 has the same value as: 2 × 1 2² 4 ÷ 2 2 − 2 3. What is the first derivative of 2x³ + 5x² + 91x + 47? 6x² + 10x¹ + 91 6x³ + 10x¹ + 91 2x² + 5x¹ + 91 6x² + 10x¹ − 91 4. What is the acronym to remember trigonometric functions? 5. Which is the correct representation of sine? OA HA OH AH Click here to submit your answers Click here to start over Click here to return home.